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“We focus on the goals oppose to the tools to achieve the goal”

Social Video

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About Us

Social Video is a Video Marketing Agency. Our mission is define the goal and determine if video is the right tool to achieve those goals. We focus on creating video content for sales and marketing that achieve goals.

After more than two decades of working in a video production company we saw the change in how video is being used today. It has gone from a single use engagement opportunity to a strategy to build ongoing engagement. Thus we created Social Video to be that agency that helps set goals and achieve them through engagement with video content.

If video isn’t right for you we have plenty of partners who we would love to refer you to to accomplish your goals.

Connect Visually…

When you can trigger a sense, such as the sense of site, through an interaction you are building a longer lasting relationship. This is do to building a lasting memory that you can easily connect with because of the human nature element you have triggered.

We take this approach at Social Video in design the highly engaging videos that we produce. Evoking the sense and creating a positive lasting memory is key.

“Visually connect with your customers to build an engaged audience”

Social Video